Terms & Conditions
1. These conditions apply to all adverts accepted for publication. Any other proposed conditions must be agreed by both parties in writing.
2. All adverts are accepted subject to the Publisher’s approval of the copy and to the space being available.
3. The Publisher reserves the right not to print an advert at any time for good reason.
4. Every care is taken to avoid mistakes, but the Publisher cannot accept liability for any errors due to third parties, subcontractors or inaccurate copy instructions.
5. The Advertiser will indemnify the Publisher fully in respect of any claims made against the Publisher as a result of the advert.
6. Advertising Rates are subject to change at any time without notice. Space already booked will not be affected.
7. If the publisher undertakes to produce (including design and typesetting) an advert for the Advertiser, the Publisher will not be held responsible for any mistakes, errors or omissions, and the Advertiser agrees to pay any invoice submitted in full. Artwork prepared by the Publisher remains the property of the Publisher and cannot be used in other publications without the written consent of the Publisher.
8. Map Markers, where applicable, do not form part of this contractual agreement and are only offered as a gesture of goodwill.
9. Cancellations will not be accepted, refunds will not be made and adverts booked verbally or in writing, must be paid in full.
10. Amounts outstanding after agreed payment date will incur a 15% surcharge.
11. The Publisher reserves the right to demand pre-payment in respect of any advert.
12. In the event of the Advertiser defaulting with regard to payment, the Publisher reserves the right to suspend further insertions .
13. All copy and invoice payments must be sent to the address shown on the Confirmation of Order and Invoice.
14. Commission will only be paid to recognised Advertising agencies, at the discretion of the Publisher.
15. Complaints regarding reproduction of adverts must be received in writing within 14 days of publication.
16. At least 4 weeks written notice prior to copy deadline is required to suspend any insertion.
17. If artwork copy instructions are not received prior to copy deadline, no guarantee can be given that proofs will be supplied and the Publisher reserves the right to use the most appropriate available copy.
18. Advertiser’s property, artwork etc. are held at the owners risk. The Publisher reserves the right to destroy all artwork which has been in his custody for 12 months from the date of its last appearance.
19. If, due to circumstances beyond the Publishers control, changes to the format of the publication become necessary, the Publisher reserves the right to make any reasonable alterations or changes without prior reference to the Advertiser.
20. Any infringement in copyright concerning advertisements shall be the liability of the Advertiser.
21. In the event of the Advertiser selling, transferring or disposing of his/her business the new owner will be liable for any outstanding debts to the Publisher and in the event of the Advertiser ceasing to trade he/she will be personally liable for any outstanding accounts to the Publisher.
22. For the purpose of these conditions, 'Advertiser' shall refer to the Advertiser, Buyer, or his Agent, whichever is the principal, 'Advert' includes copy, loose or other 'inserts' where appropriate .
23. These conditions and all other express terms of the contract shall be governed in accordance with UK law